Promoting Excellence and Integrity in the Dissemination of Health Research Results: Highlights of the Debates at Colloquium 101 - Acfas 2024

Main Article Content

Amédé Gogovor
France Légaré
David Moher
Farida Louré
Valérie Borde
Christian Brochu
Hocine Chehab
Karina Prévost

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How to Cite
Gogovor, A., Légaré, F., Moher, D., Louré, F., Borde, V., Brochu, C., … Prévost, K. (2024). Promoting Excellence and Integrity in the Dissemination of Health Research Results: Highlights of the Debates at Colloquium 101 - Acfas 2024. Science of Nursing and Health Practices, 7(2), 9–16.
Invited Editorial


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