Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not already been published and is not currently being considered by another journal. If it is not the case, provide an explanation in the "Comments to editor" field.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which can be found on the "Submissions" page.

  • The file and the text are anonymous (do not contain any information that cannot be used to identify its author).
  • The cover letter that complies with the requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which can be found on the "Submissions" page is attached to the submission.
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition style presentation standards are applied: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines
  • The text contains a maximum of 5000 words, excluding figures, tables and references.

***All manuscripts undergo plagiarism detection with Turnitin’s online tool. This program generates a report highlighting text excerpts similar to existing content on the Internet and in its database. The editorial team interprets similarity reports and determines whether they are potentially harmful to publication ethics. COPE flowcharts are used for editorial decisions regarding plagiarism. The editorial team will contact the authors of the manuscript based on the outcome of the similarity check report.***

Any manuscript submitted to Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé must meet the quality criteria for publication as presented in PLOS ONE (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/criteria-for-publication) and Open Science Journal (https://www.osjournal.org/criteria_for_publication.html) that is:

  • The article presents original results.
  • The results reported have not been published elsewhere and are not similar to those of another published manuscript based on the same investigation.
  • The manuscript has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a highly technical standard and are described in sufficient detail.
  • Conclusions are presented appropriately and are supported by the data.
  • The manuscript is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in English or French standard.
  • The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.
  • Authors must assume the integrity of the data, that is, that the manuscript does not present fabrication or falsification of data.
  • The manuscript conforms to appropriate reporting guidelines and the standards of the open access scientific community for data availability.
  • All use of artificial intelligence (IA) instruments must be mentioned in the article. Parts of the text written using AI must be marked as such in the article, and AI instruments must be listed in the bibliographic references.
  • Furthermore, AI-generated content is only allowed for sections that review research literature or explain the theoretical framework. It is not permitted for any other sections of the paper (e.g., introduction, conclusion, analysis of the case study, or empirical part of the paper).

To find out about the reporting guidelines for different types of studies, visit the EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research) Network website at https://www.equator-network.org/. The authors may choose the appropriate grid for their research or knowledge synthesis.

For mixed-method research

MMAT (Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool): A tool specially designed to assess the quality of mixed-method research. It allows to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative components of the studies.

PRISMA adapted for Mixed Methods: Although PRISMA (https://www.prisma-statement.org/prisma-2020) is not specifically designed for literature reviews of mixed methods studies, some research teams have adapted its principles for such reviews.

TDR’s Guide to Mixed Methods: This guide provides guidance for planning and conducting research using both qualitative and quantitative methods in the same project.

Submitting a manuscript

To submit a manuscript, you must: 

  • Login (if you already have a user account) or
  • Register to make a submission.

The submission must include:

1) Complete Manuscript and

2) Cover Letter.

Complete Manuscript

1) The complete manuscript (Word) includes a title in French and English, an abstract (250 words) in French and English, five key words in French and English, the body of the text, the list of references, tables and figures.

  • Empirical research articles and knowledge synthesis articles should be 3000–5000 words long (excluding endnotes, references, tables and figures).
  • Theoretical discussion and methodology articles and knowledge-to-action articles may be prepared and submitted as a long article of 3000–5000 words or as a brief report of 1500–3000 words (excluding endnotes, references, tables and figures).

To learn more about the types of articles considered by the journal, go to the page: https://sips-snahp.ojs.umontreal.ca/index.php/sips-snahp/articlestype

Given that manuscripts will be subjected to a double-blind peer review, the first version of the article that you submit to the journal should contain no information that may identify the authors.

To learn more about the peer review process, see this page.

Cover Letter

The cover letter must specify the article’s objective and its expected contribution, and contain the following elements:

The cover letter must close with the following five headings:

  1. Authors’ contributions

There is no limit to the number of authors per submission. The contribution of each of the authors must be specified according to the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors to which the journal subscribes, whether an author has: 1) made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work; analysis, interpretation of data, 2) penned the work or revised it critically for a significant intellectual contribution, 3) approved the final version to be published and 4) agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of it are investigated and resolved in an appropriate way.

  • For example: NP and PP designed the study and supervised data collection and analysis. YB collected and analyzed the data. NP organized the article and prepared the first draft. YB drafted the methods and PP, the introduction and the literature review. All three authors revised and approved the final version of the manuscript.
  1. Acknowledgments

The authors recognize any individual or institutional support received:

  • For example: The authors would like to thank GL for her technical support, as well as the study participants and the administration of the hospital where data collection took place.
  1. Funding

Authors must disclose all financial support received to conduct the project and/or draft the article:

  • For example: The authors received funding from the [name of program] of [name of institution] to conduct this study.
  • If authors received no funding, indicate the following: The authors received no funding to conduct the project reported in this article or to draft this article.
  1. Statement of conflict of interest

It is the journal policy to require a statement of conflict of interest from all authors. If there are no conflicts to declare, indicate the following: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

  1. Ethics certificate number

Articles reporting on research involving human subjects must clearly indicate the ethical approval obtained:

  • For example: The study received ethical approval [number] from the research ethics board of [name of institution].

Quality of language 

The Editorial Team reserves the right to reject articles whose language or writing style does not meet the journal’s quality standards or to recommend the use of professional editing services at the authors’ expense. Moreover, non-discriminatory language must be used at all times.

Inclusive Writing

The journal adheres to the inclusive writing principles and methods outlined by the Government of Canada (https://www.noslangues-ourlanguages.gc.ca/en/writing-tips-plus/inclusive-writing-guidelines-resources). Inclusive writing is the use of phrases, sentences, words and wording that are respectful of human diversity. As such, it is a gender-inclusive writing style. It promotes inclusion by eliminating bias based on identities such as gender, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability. 

To learn about writing techniques, examples, recommendations, and resources for inclusive writing, refer to the Quick reference sheet of the Canadian government.

From January 2025, all manuscripts submitted to the journal must use inclusive writing.

Formatting guidelines

  • The following fonts should be used: 12-point Times New Roman for the body of the text, 10-point Times New Roman for endnotes, and 10-point Calibri for tables.
  • Manuscripts must be 1.5 spaced, except for references, which should be single-spaced, and block quotes (more than 40 words), which should be single-spaced and indented in full without quotation marks.
  • All margins (left, right, top, bottom) must be one inch (2.5 cm), including for tables and figures.
  • Do not use headers and footers.
  • Do not insert footnotes.
  • Do not use boldface or underline in the text.
  • Use italics only for words other than that of the written language of the manuscript and the p-value statistic.
  • Use quotation marks only for citations no longer than 40 words and to highlight words or expressions. For quotes longer than 40 words, present it in an indented block of text (one paragraph) without quotation marks.
  • For abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms, indicate what they stand for in full the first time encountered.
  • Decimals are indicated by a period in English (e.g., 0.65) but a comma in French (e.g., 0,65).


Authors must follow the APA style (7th edition) as defined in the of the Publication Manual (2020). For further details on the changes to the APA style contained in the 7th edition, visit the website of the Université de Montréal libraries (in French) at https://bib.umontreal.ca/citer/styles-bibliographiques/apa.

We ask authors to include all existing DOIs with a direct https: // link, that is, without going through an educational institution that requires an institution user account. URL links must be up to date, functional and searchable by all users.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures must be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references and their location must be marked in the text (e.g., “Table 1 here” between two paragraphs). Tables and figures must be clearly identified (number, title) and sources cited, if applicable. Tables and figures are usually accompanied by legends or captions.

Tables must comply with the APA format and must contain no more than one bit of information per cell. Row titles should be left aligned. Column headings must be centre aligned. The table title must be in italics. The table must be numbered in bold font. The font must be 10-point Calibri throughout, including the table number and title. For further details on tables set up, please visit: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/tables.