Method for Operationalizing Nursing-Sensitive Performance Measures Based on Routine Data
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Introduction: The operationalization of nursing-sensitive performance measures has been highly variable. It results in measures that are sometimes suboptimal and difficult for managers and nurses to access. The objective is to propose a rigorous method for operationalizing nurse-sensitive performance measures based on routine data.
Source of Information: The primary source of information for this article is an operationalization method adapted from a reporting guide and performance measure evaluation instrument. It includes 7 processes and 33 interrelated quality attributes. The application of this operationalization method was successfully tested in a university hospital.
Discussion: Operationalization of nursing-sensitive performance measures is a complex process. This method is an original proposal that allows for the justification and argumentation of the choices made. We discuss how this method is a response to 3 methodological issues: (1) heterogeneous and poorly detailed operationalization methods; (2) critical attributes (e.g., relevance, scientific validity, feasibility) that lack consensus and (3) heterogeneous data architecture models.
Implication and conclusion: This operationalization method provides a systematic and transparent approach to generating nursing-sensitive performance measures from routine data. It could improve their operationalization, facilitate their understanding and evaluation.
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