Development of Advanced Nursing Practice in the Health System of Benin: A Contextual Exploration Inspired by Leininger's Ethnonursing and Guided by the PEPPA Model
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Introduction: The reform of the training system in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences (NMS) in Benin made it possible to train nurses at the academic master's level in the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) profile. However, despite the recognition of this new training on an academic level, the role of the APN in the health system where these nurses will be called upon to practice in a multidisciplinary team at the heart of a very diversified medical and nursing culture and practices, is not yet clarified.
Objectives: 1- Identify the areas of intervention, scope of action, roles, mandates and possible activities of the APN, as well as the factors favorable and unfavorable to the development of Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) in the Benin health system; 2- Determine the constituent elements of a formal and regulatory framework for the exercise of ANP in Benin.
Methods: This qualitative research based on Leininger's theory of universality and diversity of care (1991) will also be based on the PEPPA model (Participatory, Evidence-Based, Patient-Focused Process for Advanced Practice Nursing) proposed by Bryant-Lukosius and Dicenso (2004) for sequencing the stages of development, implementation and evaluation of a new APN role. Semi-directed individual interviews and focused groups with nurses and midwives of Beninese nationality holding a master's degree in NMS will be conducted. Self-administered questionnaires and collection of texts will be used to collect data from health personnel and managers of clinical care structures and services.
Discussion and Research Spin-offs: This study will identify the benchmarks that will support the implementation of the APN role in Benin's health system, clarifying its areas of intervention, scope of action, mandates and possible activities, as well as the context necessary for its implementation.
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