Early Career Nursing Staff’s Expectations to Support Work Engagement: First Step in Developing Organizational Interventions in the Province of Quebec (Canada)
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Introduction: Poor work conditions jeopardize the quality of nursing jobs and increase turnover and attrition rates, especially for early career nurses and licensed practical nurses. Understanding perspectives of the nursing staff on work engagement is essential to develop innovative and responsive organizational interventions.
Objectives: 1- Define the expectations of early career nursing staff with respect to their workplace in order to support work engagement 2- Identify priority actions to support work engagement at organizational level.
Methods: A mixed-methods research design based on a conceptual mapping approach was used. Early career nurses and licensed practical nurses (N=14) working in a semi-urban integrated health and social services center in Quebec (Canada) were asked the following question: “What can the workplace do to promote work engagement?” Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis were used to organize the 49 statements provided by the nursing staff. At the same time, participants prioritized actions by rating the “importance” and “probability of a successful implementation” of each statement.
Results: Nursing staffs’ expectations toward their workplace in order to support work engagement were: attractive working conditions, positive leadership, safe working conditions, professional development opportunities, and personalized career path. More specifically, the priority actions identified were: showing respect, providing a healthy environment and avoiding transfer to unwanted departments.
Discussion and conclusion: The results suggest several actions to promote work engagement of early career nursing staff working in semi-urban settings in Quebec, including providing human and material resources, implementing a positive organizational culture, and exercising benevolent leadership.
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