Remembering the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): A Prospective Mixed-Method Study Protocol on the Acceptability and Perspectives of the ICU Diary
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Introduction: Intensive care units (ICUs) cater for the most critically ill patients. On discharge, these patients may be left with several incapacitating sequelae. This combination of physical, cognitive, and psychological symptoms is known as Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS). Relatives may also suffer from a form of PICS (Post Intensive Care Syndrome – Family [PICS-F]). A diary could help reduce the mental health symptoms of PICS or PICS-F. This document, containing narrative information about the patient’s stay in the ICU, aims to fill in the gaps in the patient’s memory and to contextualize disturbing memories, which are thought to be at the root of psychological suffering. This preventive intervention remains underused or studied in Quebec (Canada).
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the acceptability of the ICU diary in 2 Quebec ICUs by patients discharged from the designated ICU, relatives, nurses, and members of the multidisciplinary team. A second objective will be to explore the recommendations of those stakeholders surrounding the modalities of the intervention.
Methods: This mixed-methods study will take place on 2 ICUs in a tertiary hospital located in Quebec City. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 4 groups of 6 to 8 participants representing the stakeholders of the intervention. An acceptability questionnaire will be administered to participants.
Discussion and Research Spin-offs: This study will guide the application of this intervention and advocates active participant involvement in the development of the tool.
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