Planning the Implementation of the ICU Diary as a Strategy for Humanizing Adult Intensive Care
Main Article Content
Introduction: Hospitalization in an intensive care unit (ICU) can lead to significant physical, psychological, cognitive, and social consequences for patients. While ICU diary is known for its therapeutic potential, its implementation tailored to Quebec’s ICUs in Canada remains rare, highlighting the need for a methodological framework to guide its planning implementation.
Objective: Describe the steps of planning the implementation of an ICU diary in an adult ICU at a quaternary hospital in Quebec City, focusing on a person-centered approach perspective as a strategy for humanizing care.
Procedure: The planning of the implementation of the diary followed 13 of 14 steps of the Quality Implementation Framework (QIF). The intervention concerns patients aged ≥ 18 years who had stayed ≥ 48 hrs in the ICU and had experienced delirium or prolonged intubation for > 24 hrs.
Evaluation: The planning of the implementation covered the following areas: initial assessment and preparation, stakeholder engagement and support, recruitment and training, implementation planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Discussion and Conclusion: This project highlighted the importance of healthcare staff engagement, context analysis, and the flexibility of stakeholders. It serves as an example of an application that integrates an evidence-based intervention while generating contextual learning during its implementation, thereby helping to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application.
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